Testing Tips

Make sure your child attends school regularly. Remember that tests reflect the overall achievement of your child. The more often the child is in a learning situation, the more likely he or she will do well on tests.
Give your child encouragement. Praise him for the things done well throughout the year. A child who is afraid of failing is more likely to make a mistake.
See that your child has a well-rounded diet. A healthy body leads to a healthy, active mind.
See that your child completes homework assignments. Homework supports classroom instruction and can help your child increase his comprehension of the classroom work.
Meet with your child’s teacher(s) as often as possible to discuss your child’s progress. Parents and teachers should work together to benefit the child.
Ask the teacher(s) to suggest activities for you to do at home with your child. Such activities can help your child improve his understanding of schoolwork.
Make sure your child is well-rested on school days. Children who are tired are less likely to pay attention in class or to handle the demands of class work and tests.
Try not to be overly anxious about test scores. Too much emphasis on test scores can be upsetting to children.
Find out which tests your child will take and for what purposes. The school principal or counselor should provide you with a schedule of testing for the year and explain the use of the tests.
Make sure your child arrives on time for school.
See that your child dresses comfortably. Students should wear clothes which are comfortable and appropriate for the weather.
If your child wears a hearing aid and/or glasses, be sure he remembers to wear them during all testing sessions.